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New Research From IETF Is About To Change Your Life

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New Research From IETF Is About To Change Your Life

Posted By Christopher Saunders

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The IETF, or the Internet Engineering Task Force, has recently made a breakthrough in their research on geographic linking. Now, the first question that you may ask is, “How will ‘geographic linking’ apply to my everyday life?”. However, let’s start with what exactly geographic linking is, and the research being done about it to keep you, and the people in your life safe.

What is geographic linking?
Geographic linking is a process in which a geographic location is linked, or paired with information that is available for that particular area. The primary concern with visually improving images of the area and the information that is available through geographic linking is if the people who reside in these areas are having their privacy maintained. Which is exactly what the IETF is being wary of while they are improving the optic representations of the geographic areas. To be more specific, the group who is doing the research, and is making sure that the security of everyone is maintained is known as, GEOPRIV.

They are making sure that everyone that is working on the project knows the strict set of protocols that they must follow, to keep everyone’s privacy intact. The guidelines that are being discussed are in a review to make sure that no one’s private information is linked. Once they are finished going over how to execute this, while also focusing on achieving a better experience for the viewer of the locations, or areas, GEOPRIV will apply this to all the other programs. Now that the main concerns about the dangers and the problems that they have run across in their research have been addressed, we can move on to how this will impact your day to day life.

Why Should I Care About The Research The Internet Engineering Task Force Is Doing?
It is important for geographic linking to be improved because as technology is developed, it allows for more accurate and efficient work to be done using it. If the visuals of geographic locations are improved, then it makes it easier for sites and places to be tracked easier and this could allow for better planning of a route to get to the precise location. These improvements could implicate a change in the standards of emergency services such as ambulances and emergency police vehicles. Which means that more crimes are stopped before they could happen, and more lives are saved when people are in need of emergency medical care. If they are successful in finishing the research and can make an efficient program that can precisely and securely represent geographical locations, then they could save hundreds to thousands of lives.Another reason that this research may be relevant to you is that it can allow for other non-emergency services to be done faster and more efficiently.

Mainly travel will be faster and more efficient which means that your commute to work may be faster with this new technology which affects your day to day life. It also affects the services that you use every day, for example, the internet that you are using now to read this may soon be affected by this research. “How?” is the question you might ask, if services are able to go faster, such as services for electricians, or plumbers than those services are being done faster, or more efficiently,(This depends on whether they are using the extra time to do a better job, or if they are using the extra amount of time to do more jobs) and this could mean that life may be more convenient for you. However, while you may say or think that the amount of time that this saves will not be a massive amount, which is true, you have to remember it only takes a few seconds to save a life.

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